Threat from ticks
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
All the latest news from the Highland and Scottish Liberal Democrats, Angus MacDonald MP and Jamie Stone MP
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
It was a call that I’d been dreading – last Thursday, Jeremy Hosking rang to say he’d had enough and was withdrawing his offer to buy Kinloch Castle on Rum.
There was only one Corran proposal on the table at the Highland Council meeting on the 11th May 2023, and all us local Cllrs supported it. It was for the maximum £50 million bid to the Westminster Levelling Up Fund.
The Highlands is becoming the home to a significant percentage of Britain’s green energy needs. Even before wind, our post war hydro dams made the Highlands 100% self sufficient in electricity.
A gorgeous castle on a Hebridean island with a world class sea view and a decent skelp of land for sale at possibly as little as a £1. Tempted?
I am a Highland Councillor for Fort William and Ardnamurchan but I write on behalf of all West Highlanders, there are few of any political persuasion who would not support my request below.
Responding to the results of the Scottish Household Survey 2023 that shows satisfaction with the quality of local schools is at its lowest level since the SNP first came to power in 2007, Scottish Liberal Democrat education spokesperson Willie Rennie MSP
Scottish Liberal Democrat agriculture spokesperson Claire McLaren has today addressed the Scottish Agritourism Conference 2024 in Perth, describing the recent UK budget as an earthquake “attacking the foundations of rural communities”.
Conference, we took a big leap forward at the council elections of 2022, but there were still hardworking local champions who narrowly missed out on victory. Louise Spence was one of them. It felt like unfinished business.
After celebrating their best UK general election result in over a hundred years, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton will tell his party’s Autumn Conference that that they are “surging forward” ahead of the Holyrood elections because peopl
Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has today said a shock by-election victory for his party in the Colinton & Fairmilehead by-election is evidence that his party can win anywhere no matter the opposition.
Responding to analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggesting that increases in Scotland’s top rate of income tax may have reduced revenues, Scottish Liberal Democrat economy spokesperson Willie Rennie said:
The UK abandoning the current stance of continuous deployment of Trident submarines, at this crucial time, would send the wrong signal to Putin.
It’s important to set out our case for an online world that is safe and make clear to those who abuse that space that we will not rest until we are successful.
This International Women’s Day, I will be celebrating so many incredible women - who have brought us this far; who work tirelessly for equality; and who will take us even further in the years to come.
Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey is demanding the Chancellor cancels plans to hike the average household energy bill by £500 in April, and cuts people’s bills instead.
Liberal Democrats continue to be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder against tyranny, and we will stand with Ukraine until they are victorious.
Regulations covering workers rights, parental leave, child safety and more could be scrapped by this Conservative Government.