Threat from ticks
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
All the latest news from the Highland and Scottish Liberal Democrats, Angus MacDonald MP and Jamie Stone MP
Scotland is banning the use of the only spray that can control bracken, Asulox, whereas England will continue to allow it. Bracken harbours ticks which carry Lyme’s disease.
It was a call that I’d been dreading – last Thursday, Jeremy Hosking rang to say he’d had enough and was withdrawing his offer to buy Kinloch Castle on Rum.
There was only one Corran proposal on the table at the Highland Council meeting on the 11th May 2023, and all us local Cllrs supported it. It was for the maximum £50 million bid to the Westminster Levelling Up Fund.
The Highlands is becoming the home to a significant percentage of Britain’s green energy needs. Even before wind, our post war hydro dams made the Highlands 100% self sufficient in electricity.
A gorgeous castle on a Hebridean island with a world class sea view and a decent skelp of land for sale at possibly as little as a £1. Tempted?
I am a Highland Councillor for Fort William and Ardnamurchan but I write on behalf of all West Highlanders, there are few of any political persuasion who would not support my request below.
Speaking in this afternoon’s debate on the impact of National Insurance increases on public services, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said:
The Liberal Democrats have revealed that the government made no assessment of its recent tax hike on NHS dentists.
Responding to the embargoed letter sent by BDA Scotland, BMA Scotland, Community Pharmacy Scotland and Optometry Scotland to Finance Secretary Shona Robison warning that the National Insurance hike, coupled with the increase in National Living Wage announ
Wendy Chamberlain, MP for North East Fife, today (19th November) met with North East Fife farmers to discuss issues impacting rural communities.
Scottish Liberal Democrat justice spokesperson Liam McArthur MSP has today called on the SNP government to take steps to cut rates of domestic abuse after the number of incidents recorded by the police rose to some of the highest levels on record.
Responding to new figures showing only 64% of people attending A&E were seen within the 4 hour target in the week ending 10th November, while 2,901 people waited over 8 hours and 1,184 waited over 12 hours, Scottish Liberal Democrat health spokesperson Al
British people are struggling with eye-watering food prices and yet this Conservative Government is refusing to help. Liberal Democrats are putting forward a proper plan to make food cheaper.
This is a devastating blow to our country’s environment.
We love our country and want to transform it for the better. To build a liberal Britain, and spread real opportunity to every city, town and village across our great United Kingdom. To deliver the fair deal that the British people deserve.
The anti-refugee Braverman Bill is immoral, unworkable and incredibly costly.
Everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed in life and access to the same opportunities. Sadly that is not the case in the UK.
Liberal Democrat plans would cut energy bills for consumers and businesses, reduce emissions and set Britain on a path to a sustainable future.